by Skylar DeBruyn & Laura Dickman, BSW Interns

According to, National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is an annual campaign to educate the public about the realities of eating disorders. This provides a sense of hope, shows support, and allows visibility to individuals and families affected by eating disorders. NEDAwareness week takes place February 21- February 27, 2022. According to, this year's theme will be centered around “See The Change, Be The Change”. What this means is that individuals will spend the week acknowledging the evolution of the eating disorders field as well as encouraging people to engage in advocacy and raise awareness of eating disorders in their communities.
This year the nation celebrates twenty years of opportunities to #seethechange and #bethechange. We can see the change by recognizing change within the ever-evolving eating disorders field, and we can be the change through advocacy, awareness, and community building.
According to, we can:
#SeetheChange each time someone contacts the NEDAwareness Helpline, uses their online screening tool, and/or benefits from their research funding.
#Bethechange through legislative advocacy, building lightings, local events, and more. There has been a step forward to #bethechange by engaging nearly 8,000 constituents in legislative advocacy since 2020.
How can YOU be the change?
Writing informative letters to members of Congress to gain more awareness and funding for eating disorders nationally.
Advocating to local agencies about the needs of the population.
Become a NEDAwareness Week 2022 Collaborator
How Do Collaborators Participate?
Share NEDAwareness Week videos, blog posts, and other resources with your community.
Spread the message about NEDAwareness Week by highlighting it on your website or linking
Join the conversation on social media by tagging your posts with this year’s campaign hashtags- #NEDAwareness, #SeeTheChange, and #BeTheChange—on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Light up your business in blue and green!
Graceful therapy recognizes that eating disorder diagnosis comes with many challenges but we are here to support, guide and empower you. Graceful therapy reaches out to offer support and services for eating disorders as well as many other mental illnesses. Please visit our website at to schedule an appointment today if you or a loved one is struggling and need help.